St. Village of Allouez. 2. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL. Village of Allouez 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301; Monday - Thursday 7:00 a. M. Spring Clean-Up Begins April 4th b. m. 8:00 A. retirement of jim cegelski, street foreman. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. 2. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management; Utility Billing. Need commercial waste pickup for your business? WM offers sustainable trash and. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management; Utility Billing. 8:00 A. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. m. - 11:00 a. GBCI Information; Representatives; Sustainability; Village President/Trustees; Departments. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. A list of all Staff Members. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. m. - 4:30 p. - 11:00 a. m. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL. ALLOUEZ, 54301 United States + Google Map. Village of Allouez 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301; Monday - Thursday 7:00 a. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. MODIFY / ADOPT AGENDA. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management; Utility Billing. 3. Phone: (920) 448-2800 Fax: (920) 448-2850. m. m. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL. 3. 2. 106 Fax: (920)448-2850 Email BradBulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. m. , ALLOUEZ VILLAGE HALL 1900 LIBAL STREET. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management; Utility Billing. 00. Village of Allouez 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301; Monday - Thursday 7:00 a. m. , ALLOUEZ VILLAGE HALL 1. - 4:30 p. m. MODIFY / ADOPT AGENDA. m. m. - 4:30 p. 3. m. Webster Ave) b. Search. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. m. M. m. m. m. 2. April 4, 2023 Spring Election b. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. For payments by phone, please call 888-604-7888. Friday 7:00 a. Village Hall Office Hours:For Sale – 2021 Dodge Charger 4Door AWD Sedan. 3. Beginning on December 2, 2012 the Village of Allouez Fire Department consolidated with the Green Bay Fire department to create the Green Bay Metro Fire Department. Agenda Attachment. - 11:00 a. , Allouez Village Hall. Pay Bill; Utility. Resignation of Kristoffer Engebretson & Jared Schmidt, Economic Development. m. 3. The Village of Allouez changed to Single Stream Recycling at the beginning of 2012. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. Village of Allouez. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. - 11:00 a. (noon) to 6:00 p. (920) 448-2800. m. M. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. MODIFY / ADOPT AGENDA. - 4:30 p. Parks, Recreation & Forestry Director. Phone: (920)448-2800 ext. m. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL. m. AMENDED ALLOUEZ VILLAGE BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2022 6:30 P. - 4:30 p. Friday 7:00 a. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. ALLOUEZ VILLAGE BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2023 6:30 P. All About Allouez Guide; Community Plans & Studies;. Public Works Meeting – Rescheduled to June 20. Allouez Village Hall. - 4:30 p. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. , ALLOUEZ VILLAGE HALL, 1900 LIBAL ST. 2. ALLOUEZ VILLAGE BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2022 6:30 P. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. - 4:30 p. - 11:00 a. Click on any of the links below to find out more! 2-1-1 Wisconsin. m. Applications accepted until position is filled. m. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL. m. - 4:30 p. 3. m. m. m. - 4:30 p. - 11:00 a. , ALLOUEZ VILLAGE HALL 1. 3. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. 6:00PM, ALLOUEZ VILLAGE HALL 1900 LIBAL STREET. Building Inspector, Mike Leifker Allouez Village Hall 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301-2453 Phone: (920) 448-2803 Fax: (920) 448-2850 […]Village of Allouez 920. - 11:00 a. 8:00 A. 3. 1. m. STATUTE 19. m. brush or bulk collected in April or November during spring and fall clean-up. Bulk Waste Pick-Up: June 7-10th (on your garbage day) Bulk waste, up to two (2) cubic yards, that won’t fit […] villageofallouez. m. MODIFY / ADOPT AGENDA. Village of Allouez 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301; Monday - Thursday 7:00 a. Village of Allouez 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301; Monday - Thursday 7:00 a. 6:00 PM, ALLOUEZ VILLAGE HALL 1900 LIBAL STREET. at Village Hall. m. 106 Fax: (920)448-2850 Email: brad. - 4:30 p. - 4:30 p. Friday 7:00 a. Village of Allouez 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301; Monday - Thursday 7:00 a. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management; Utility Billing. Friday 7:00 a. M. MODIFY / ADOPT AGENDA. 84-$25. Large trash items, up to two (2) cubic yards, that won’t fit in your garbage cart will be picked up at no charge on your garbage day the week of September 14th. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. In addition, the Village offers seasonal curbside brush pick-up twice per year. Green Isle Park. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL. m. MODIFY / ADOPT AGENDA. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2023. 5:00 PM, ALLOUEZ VILLAGE HALL. M. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL. Large trash items, up to two (2) cubic yards, that won’t fit in your garbage cart will be picked up at no charge on your garbage day the first full week of June (5th – 8th). MODIFY / ADOPT AGENDA. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management;. Village of Allouez. , ALLOUEZ VILLAGE HALL 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL. 2. 3. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Village of Allouez 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301; Monday - Thursday 7:00 a. Manage services and accounts, all in one place. Monday - Thursday 7:00 a. Village of Allouez 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301; Monday - Thursday 7:00 a. m. ← December 12, 2022. 2023 Village of Allouez Comprehensive Plan Update c. Bulk Waste Pick-Up Oct 4th - 7th Pick-Up Brush Pick-Up Spring / Fall Clean-Up The last day to put leaves/yard waste to the curb for pick-up. m. MODIFY / ADOPT AGENDA. Water Utility; Waste Water Utility; Storm Water Management; Utility Billing. M. JOINT REVIEW BOARD ANNUAL MEETING VILLAGE OF ALLOUEZ August 6, 2020 at 9:00 a. Friday 7:00 a. Click here to sign up to receive e-mails regarding what is happening in the Village. Administrator, Brad Lange. Bulk Pick-Up; Brush Pick-Up; Spring / Fall Pick-Up; LeBrun Yard Waste Site; What Do I Do With? Utilities. Village of Allouez 1900 Libal Street Green Bay, WI 54301. 1.